Integrated personal health records: Transformative tools for consumer-centric care Don E. Detmer, Meryl Bloomrosen , Brian Raymond and Paul Tang BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2008
Lack of Technical Standards for Interoperability
Interoperability refers to the ability of systems to interact with one another and exchange data according to a prescribed method in order to achieve predictable results. The immaturity and slow diffusion of standards for interoperability and data portability are key barriers to the integration and exchange of structured data among PHRs and the range of relevant entities that provide and finance health care. ISO TC 215 WG1 (Health Informatics) has published a technical report on personal health records and the need for standards. The report notes that growing interest around the world in PHRs and their potential standardization is driven by convergent interests among the consumer electronic industry, the established medical devices industry, health service providers and citizens [40]. Several standards necessary for integrated PHRs are described below. ...